Right, I've spent many of my former blog posts going on about how I want to be a SG photographer, and after buying my camera I've just expected the models to come to me. This isn't going to happen (and I can't blame anyone for that apart from me). So I've got off my ass and actually done something towards this.
There is a chance that I'll be layed off due to world economic bla bla bla, so I've been working out the plan incase this happens... so as a start I've ordered a couple of books on how to actually take better photos.
I've also looked into a proper photography course, so if I do lose my job I can hit the ground running, and get a profession. Hopefully I'll still have a job in 6 months, and then I'll do an evening course so I can get qualified while working, and then set myself up.
I'm planning on starting out just taking pics for free, and just asking for my petrol money (30p per mile according to www.theaa.com from the Barnet Odeon), so that I can build a portfolio (while not being out of pocket) before turning this into a business, so if you want a photographer on the cheap in and around London for a wedding, party, model shots, etc then get in touch.
There is a chance that I'll be layed off due to world economic bla bla bla, so I've been working out the plan incase this happens... so as a start I've ordered a couple of books on how to actually take better photos.
I've also looked into a proper photography course, so if I do lose my job I can hit the ground running, and get a profession. Hopefully I'll still have a job in 6 months, and then I'll do an evening course so I can get qualified while working, and then set myself up.
I'm planning on starting out just taking pics for free, and just asking for my petrol money (30p per mile according to www.theaa.com from the Barnet Odeon), so that I can build a portfolio (while not being out of pocket) before turning this into a business, so if you want a photographer on the cheap in and around London for a wedding, party, model shots, etc then get in touch.