yesterday misha and i went to mount. trashmore, the local park in virginia beach. it used to be a landfill, and they covered it up with tons of dirt and made it a really nice beautiful park.
giant white geese around the lake.
view from the top of the mountain.
misha on top of the mountain.
i came home and took a nap on the couch.
work is going fine...everything pretty much is, i am happy to report.
love, mattofthedead.
yesterday misha and i went to mount. trashmore, the local park in virginia beach. it used to be a landfill, and they covered it up with tons of dirt and made it a really nice beautiful park.

giant white geese around the lake.

view from the top of the mountain.

misha on top of the mountain.

i came home and took a nap on the couch.

work is going fine...everything pretty much is, i am happy to report.
love, mattofthedead.

btw it's still a big pile of trash. i remember a few years ago a couple of fm99 djs (tommy and the bull) spoofed an april fools joke telling everyone within 5 miles of mount trashmore to evacuate because the methane gases were building up to explosive levels and mount trashmore was going to blow at any minute. you wouldn't believe how many dumbasses bought off on it and really thought it was going to go. the two guys aren't on the radio anymore.....i think the station ended up paying a hefty fine for that stunt, all i can say is that was some funny shit!
hope you guys have a nice holiday!
you've a cute pooch