hoy schmee....
last night was my last night working at the b&n, and it just had to be the busiest night that i had ever worked there...i was on my feet running around nonstop, from the start of my shift to closing. so, i'm waiting on people, doing the cash register, and i see a familiar face in line. this guy was wearing a orange and black camoflage cap, a weird jacket with little cartoon faces all over it, a huge diamond earring and had a tattoo on his neck.
so...when he gets up to the front of the line, i said ..."hey man, has anyone every told you that you look like pharrell williams?" he says, "yeah, i get that all the time", smiling. so i say, "you're pharrell williams, aren't you"...he smiles and says "yep, that's me".
meanwhile, i have a long line of people out cafe.
so, i got him to sign one of the b&n pastry bags for me. i guess that everyone gets a little starstruck, but pharrell williams from N.E.R.D. and the Neptunes is the last person i expected to see standing in a barnes and noble line waiting to get a chai tea, and a discount book on buddhism.
so, tomorrow i start at geico, which should be good...good money, full benefits. my mom also comes tomorrow with our other cat...mister gato.
should be an interesting week.
michael moore's new book comes out tuesday...the same day as fahrenheit 911. go out and get both of them...
have a wonderful week everyone,
love, mattthegoon.
last night was my last night working at the b&n, and it just had to be the busiest night that i had ever worked there...i was on my feet running around nonstop, from the start of my shift to closing. so, i'm waiting on people, doing the cash register, and i see a familiar face in line. this guy was wearing a orange and black camoflage cap, a weird jacket with little cartoon faces all over it, a huge diamond earring and had a tattoo on his neck.
so...when he gets up to the front of the line, i said ..."hey man, has anyone every told you that you look like pharrell williams?" he says, "yeah, i get that all the time", smiling. so i say, "you're pharrell williams, aren't you"...he smiles and says "yep, that's me".
meanwhile, i have a long line of people out cafe.
so, i got him to sign one of the b&n pastry bags for me. i guess that everyone gets a little starstruck, but pharrell williams from N.E.R.D. and the Neptunes is the last person i expected to see standing in a barnes and noble line waiting to get a chai tea, and a discount book on buddhism.

so, tomorrow i start at geico, which should be good...good money, full benefits. my mom also comes tomorrow with our other cat...mister gato.
should be an interesting week.
michael moore's new book comes out tuesday...the same day as fahrenheit 911. go out and get both of them...

have a wonderful week everyone,
love, mattthegoon.

P.S. - Pharell Williams is hot, I'm jealous. The end.