Wednesday Sep 01, 2004 Sep 1, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email if it's not one thing fucking's something else. VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS rockzombie: im sorry about what happened to you guys. ricky and i still luv ya!!! anyways, i posted in daliyahs journal...i was wondering if you two wanted to go to dinner sometime soon...maybe this coming week? let me know, ok? that and/or we can get together and do the "tatchat" Sep 5, 2004 mickey13: let me know when you guys have your shit together so i can get in touch with you or get you over here. if you need the # again, due tell. Sep 6, 2004
anyways, i posted in daliyahs journal...i was wondering if you two wanted to go to dinner sometime soon...maybe this coming week? let me know, ok?
that and/or we can get together and do the "tatchat"