i got a bug up my ass right now...not anytime soon, but one day in the future i am thinking of taking in a pot-bellied pig. it was just an idea i had, and one day if i have a nice big yard that one can run around and root around it...i might consider it.
**things about pot-bellied pigs that i didn't know...
-Pigs are intelligent and have been placed fourth on the intelligence list (humans, primates, dolphins/whales, pigs).
-Pigs that have been neutered or spayed are generally sweet natured and sensitive animals. In fact, pigs are so sensitive that you can hurt their feelings.
-Anyone considering a pig as a pet should know that potbellied pigs are expected to live 10 to 15 years and a full grown pig often weighs well over 130 pounds.

i played basketball yesterday morning before work with a few people from work. my ankle is all better, which is really good...but about ten seconds into the first game, i got ran into and quite possibly almost bit the tip of my tongue off...oooooo...it hurt so bad and bled a bit, and bruised. okay, i probably didn't almost bite it off, but it felt like i did. i'm just a big baby.
our bidet throws up when we run the dishwasher.
miles is scared to death of my talking steve irwin doll.
i hope everyone is having a swell weekend. take care....

thansk for your comments they really mean a lot!
Not to mention they're cute!