um...who said that?
so, i think that this is going to be a good weekend...playing poker this afternoon, and then going to some party or something withdaliyah. should be a good time.
i think i sprained my ankle last night playing basketball. i jumped for a rebound, landed on the side of my left foot, heard a loud "POP"...holy fuck kids, i haven't done anything like that since highschool. so i hobbled home, threw some ice on it, and finished the sixth season of sex and the city.
i have a's going away, but i got it because my lips got sunburned one day at work last week

had vegan stuffed shells last night, calzones a few nights ago...who's jealous??
i hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

I swear to god matt . . . if you were paying attention, I was counting out press studs into bags of 50 and 100. I'm a busy man, narry a lollygag in the place.
going back to school... so that means going back to chicago...