-i had a grilled cheese sandwich and limechips for lunch today. because i find that delicious.
-i am getting pretty excited for my brother's wedding reception this weekend. i found out yesterday that it is going to be even fancier than i had previously thought, so now i need to go through and figure out what i want to wear. motega already has her whole outfit figured out, so i need to get on the ball and get going. but should be a fun weekend.
-my new compy should be delivered sometime today.
-read the new postsecret book last night. i love those books, it's great how they can take you to such different extremes...some of the postcards are laugh out loud hilarious, and then turn the page and you are reading the most heart breakingly devastating thing thought ever. they are a great series! (the new one comes with stickers!) ... i am also smack in the middle of "tis" by frank mccourt.
our porch at night!!!
...with flash!!
cat nap!
...and rudely awakened!
have a great week everyone!!
love, mattthegoon.
No, I am kidding. I think we've managed to keep the same cold in the house since the first one you got. I guess it's Charlie's turn again next.
Hope you feel better.
Hope it is as Hazardous as A Hootenanny in HELL!!!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Gorewhore...
Slimy Smooches
(Awwwww, Kitties! Hey, SOOO glad you are back!! Seriously, I missed ya!)