just kinda figured it was time for an update...although there is not a whole lot of exciting going on.
*drank too much coffee this morning.
*work today...just like every day, my life is turning into groundhog day. something needs to be shooken up...(shooken?)
*although the days seem to be copys of the days previous...it is nice to have a bit of steadiness...for once.
*davinci code this weekend...x3 next.
*dead and breakfast is hilarious...not as funny as sean of the dead (like the box claimed) but funny all the same.
*mirrormask was boring but impressive.
*i'm not sure what i want for lunch.
*myspace is becoming a bit more addictive.
*i have a slight possible interest in someone, but it's a fucking secret so don't ask...hehehe.
*i slipped down my stairs twice the other morning right in a row.
*i almost lost my cellie last night, and ended up finding it in the breakroom trashcan...weird.
*my mom is coming into town today..should be good times..and free dinners
*made level 38.
*have no money for mount.
that is all....
just kinda figured it was time for an update...although there is not a whole lot of exciting going on.
*drank too much coffee this morning.
*work today...just like every day, my life is turning into groundhog day. something needs to be shooken up...(shooken?)
*although the days seem to be copys of the days previous...it is nice to have a bit of steadiness...for once.
*davinci code this weekend...x3 next.
*dead and breakfast is hilarious...not as funny as sean of the dead (like the box claimed) but funny all the same.
*mirrormask was boring but impressive.

*i'm not sure what i want for lunch.
*myspace is becoming a bit more addictive.
*i have a slight possible interest in someone, but it's a fucking secret so don't ask...hehehe.
*i slipped down my stairs twice the other morning right in a row.
*i almost lost my cellie last night, and ended up finding it in the breakroom trashcan...weird.
*my mom is coming into town today..should be good times..and free dinners

*made level 38.
*have no money for mount.
that is all....

*I am all about shaking, but I guess in my case it's more jiggling..heh heh
*glad you have structure
*so when are we going?
*I liked it too, but no, not as funny
*I'll stick with boring
*bite me, but I guess you ate by now
*Meh on Myspace, wish it was easier to use
*interesting intereseting, but I won't ask (even if I am more than slightly curious)
*you falling is funny as hell, maybe you should go back to the first point
*you never answer it anyways
*can't wait to meet her
*neither do I
<3~ Spidey
Hey! What's with being 50 today? Now you're too old for me to hang out with and still be considered one of the "cool kids".
[Edited on May 18, 2006 9:47PM]
I guess I haven't watched that one enough.