i think that jack nicholson needs to stop making romantic comedies and do more horror. hollywood horror needs jack's help.
today was the number three anniversary. it was pretty awesome...we ate a lovely dinner, exchanged gifts, watched the wedding video, drank a bottle of wine, and went to bed.


No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun - for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax - This won't hurt.

But then just when all these fans who were all 'Hunter who?" years and years ago...They sure do know that 'guy who Depp played in that Terry Gilliam flik" now though, Don't they?
I suppose that, in the end, If we have done something wrong, we become Pop icons...and who the fuck wants to be THAT?
(Ever seen the soft drink 'CHE', as in Guavara? Oh yeah...He's had a pop drink for YEARS now...Makes you just wanna laugh....a little.)
SO! It looks like there is a showdown to a game that has ironically (and not unexpected, as was the plan) come to an end...Now all we gotta do is figure out how it is ALL gonna go down...(And I gotta start wondering what to do for Prizes!)
Anyhow...I really mean to visit fiends in thier madpads more often, But it IS my Bussiest (and sickest, another ironic blow) for me, However, I just want to say THANKS & Spanks for just bein you...It's fiends such as yourself that makes the Happy Lil Horror world go round, ya Gore Hound!
Don'r ever run away!
Slimy Smooches..