Back to being single.... it's all good. life is full of ups and downs...
Looking into doing a set soon for someone here, hopefully that goes through, need to get back into doing more erotic photography
Check out my 'couples' album for a set I shot a few years back
On the film side, I'm currently preparing a public service announcement for the NSW Rape Crisis Centre. They really liked the concept and I've been given their full support to film it but I've been finding it extremely hard to find an actress willing to be in it. The concept is focusing on getting help and support for survivors, every actress I've approached really wants to support the commercial but they also fear to be recognised as the 'rape chic'. hopefully things will change.. the people at the NSW Rape Crisis centre weren't suprised... they are constantly on an uphill battle with what they are trying to achieve with the limited funding they do get... they only get enough money to pay for one counsellor per shift. My production company is putting up all the money for the commercial but because it's a public service announcement we can get it shown on tv for nothing. we want to get it done as soon as possible so it gets out there.
Looking into doing a set soon for someone here, hopefully that goes through, need to get back into doing more erotic photography

Check out my 'couples' album for a set I shot a few years back
On the film side, I'm currently preparing a public service announcement for the NSW Rape Crisis Centre. They really liked the concept and I've been given their full support to film it but I've been finding it extremely hard to find an actress willing to be in it. The concept is focusing on getting help and support for survivors, every actress I've approached really wants to support the commercial but they also fear to be recognised as the 'rape chic'. hopefully things will change.. the people at the NSW Rape Crisis centre weren't suprised... they are constantly on an uphill battle with what they are trying to achieve with the limited funding they do get... they only get enough money to pay for one counsellor per shift. My production company is putting up all the money for the commercial but because it's a public service announcement we can get it shown on tv for nothing. we want to get it done as soon as possible so it gets out there.