Okay so I was first tagged by morgannahh and then nightblooming and now boombambi
It takes awhile to fill out doesn't it!
7 things to do before I die
1. Direct a feature film
2. design my own house
3. get a tattoo in japan (not sure of what though)
4. run a film production company and support my crew
5. visit canada with bunny
6. get a book of photography published
7. Own my own cinema
7 things I cannot do
1. Stop swearing
2. Quit being a filmmaker
3. not be hard on myself
4. stop spending money (especially on dvds)
5. stop watching films
6. see without glasses or contacts
7. not take things personally
7 Good Books
1. Jackie Chan - My Life in Action
2. To Kill a mockingbird
3. Of Mice and men
4. Fight Club
5. BFG
6. American cinematographers manual
7. Art of War
7 Good films
1. Leon the professional
2. Fight club
3. City of God
4. Magnolia
5. The Killer
6. Rear Window
7. Se7en
7 things I usually say
1. Hey man
2. Later
3. Nice one
4. Fuck that
5. sweet
6. lets do it
7. cry me a river
7 people to tag
1. blackphoenix
2. Illixit
3. Janemillicent
4. jogu
5. suicide_reese
6. chilung
7. tark
For all you natalie portman fans... Check this out!!!
It takes awhile to fill out doesn't it!
7 things to do before I die
1. Direct a feature film
2. design my own house
3. get a tattoo in japan (not sure of what though)
4. run a film production company and support my crew
5. visit canada with bunny
6. get a book of photography published
7. Own my own cinema
7 things I cannot do
1. Stop swearing
2. Quit being a filmmaker
3. not be hard on myself
4. stop spending money (especially on dvds)
5. stop watching films
6. see without glasses or contacts
7. not take things personally
7 Good Books
1. Jackie Chan - My Life in Action
2. To Kill a mockingbird
3. Of Mice and men
4. Fight Club
5. BFG
6. American cinematographers manual
7. Art of War
7 Good films
1. Leon the professional
2. Fight club
3. City of God
4. Magnolia
5. The Killer
6. Rear Window
7. Se7en
7 things I usually say
1. Hey man
2. Later
3. Nice one
4. Fuck that
5. sweet
6. lets do it
7. cry me a river
7 people to tag
1. blackphoenix
2. Illixit
3. Janemillicent
4. jogu
5. suicide_reese
6. chilung
7. tark

For all you natalie portman fans... Check this out!!!
forgot to send my thanks for that link to The Hire dvd on ebay.. i ended up winning that auction so it's in the post at the moment..
just watched this..
it's part of this criterion boxset Rebel Samurai: Sixties Swordplay Classics which is totally kick ass.. you can freeze frame these films a couple of times every minute and the stills are just gorgeous in black and white..
you free at all over the next week? i need to pick braaaains