Hello Everyone!!! 
^^ Been listening to this song in my car a lot lately, the bass is effin' exquisite
(not to mention this video kicks ass)
That's All...Have An Awesome Day/Night...
Edit: R I P Elsie...

You will be truly missed...
September 12, 1986 - October 6, 2008
"May You Rest In Peace With No Pain Or Suffering"

^^ Been listening to this song in my car a lot lately, the bass is effin' exquisite

(not to mention this video kicks ass)
That's All...Have An Awesome Day/Night...

Edit: R I P Elsie...

You will be truly missed...

September 12, 1986 - October 6, 2008
"May You Rest In Peace With No Pain Or Suffering"
Marilyn Manson is ace too!