this post will for the most part consist of random sentence fragments. enjoy.
i am currently listening to a neutral milk hotel soundboard i got off of this website: neutral milk hotel goodness if you're a fan, do yourself a favor and sign up.
i've lost about 20 pounds. now i'm only a really big fat ass instead of a huge, gigantic fat ass.
one of our residents drank a ton of anti-freeze. the other tried to hang herself. days like that make up for the weeks on end i spend watching t.v.
i've spent most of the day dealing with computer problems.
i also recently did an interview for a documetary on the duluth music scene. i wish i had more nice things to say about the city i live in.
emma is in heat and has spent the last two weeks trying to hump her sister. i feel bad for thinking it's so funny.
seriously. olive pissed and she's taking action:
i honestly thought i had more to say then this but i don't.
oh well.
i am currently listening to a neutral milk hotel soundboard i got off of this website: neutral milk hotel goodness if you're a fan, do yourself a favor and sign up.
i've lost about 20 pounds. now i'm only a really big fat ass instead of a huge, gigantic fat ass.
one of our residents drank a ton of anti-freeze. the other tried to hang herself. days like that make up for the weeks on end i spend watching t.v.
i've spent most of the day dealing with computer problems.
i also recently did an interview for a documetary on the duluth music scene. i wish i had more nice things to say about the city i live in.
emma is in heat and has spent the last two weeks trying to hump her sister. i feel bad for thinking it's so funny.
seriously. olive pissed and she's taking action:

i honestly thought i had more to say then this but i don't.
oh well.
That pic of the bulldog biting the other one made me laugh and miss my kitty.
He is getting fixed today.