to those that are waiting for their free c.d. : sorry. haven't forgotten you. our guitar player is in the process of moving his studio so the album's being pushed back a little.
hope everyone's new year's went swell. at 12:01 one of my dogs shit on the floor so my first offical act of 2005 was me cleaning up shit.
last night we got 9 inches of snow. while driving to work this morning, i got stuck. long story short, i ended my day with a $22 parking ticket, being threatened by one of duluth's fine police officers to have my car towed if it wasn't moved in an hour, i threw my back out (even more) and i think i destroyed the transmission in my car.
i'm starting to think 2005 is going to suck.
to finish on a more upbeat note, the film score is finally starting to record our full length. drums will be tracked on the 14th and 15th.
hope everyone is doing well. i'll comment in yous guys journals tomorrow: my first day off in 10 days.
hope everyone's new year's went swell. at 12:01 one of my dogs shit on the floor so my first offical act of 2005 was me cleaning up shit.
last night we got 9 inches of snow. while driving to work this morning, i got stuck. long story short, i ended my day with a $22 parking ticket, being threatened by one of duluth's fine police officers to have my car towed if it wasn't moved in an hour, i threw my back out (even more) and i think i destroyed the transmission in my car.
i'm starting to think 2005 is going to suck.
to finish on a more upbeat note, the film score is finally starting to record our full length. drums will be tracked on the 14th and 15th.
hope everyone is doing well. i'll comment in yous guys journals tomorrow: my first day off in 10 days.
So, I live in CT. Our winters, I assume, are not as bad as yours, but, overall...makes me wish I live in the south.
A little trick I learned a few years ago, works like a champ, if your car gets stuck again. You know that spray lock-de-icer stuff? Has a funny top with an ice scraper built in? Well, if you get really good and stuck, spray a good amount of the snow BEFORE your tires. Don't spray directly under....the stuff IS flamable and all....last thing you need is a stuck car on fire. But, if you do that, it lessens the pressure of the snow on your tire, should give you the traction you need.