on the first presidential debate:
boy, does bush look like a dumbass. he's writing so goddamn much i'm starting to think he's doing a crossword puzzle. what's a four letter word for 'dumbass'? begins with 'B'.
while kerry answers questions, dubya looks confused and angry. he looks like a little kid just itching to get a word in edgewise while getting schooled by a teacher.
bush's speaking is choppy and broken. he pauses a lot to collect his thoughts. lots of 'ums' and 'uhs as well as a lion's share of botched attempts at words'.
common words used by bush:
bush has the demeanor of a person on the defensive. he speaks like a person backed in to a corner. he looks like he's trying really hard not to interrupt kerry.
side note:
wow! we're giving iraq 7 billion dollars over the next few months to fix all the shit we blew up! that's awfully nice of dubya.
kerry does the clinton thing with his thumb. he does it quite a bit.
he's one hell of a speaker. much better than his opponent. he spent most of the time busting bush on his lies. michael moore would be proud.
kerry inflicted a damaging blow when talking about the increase of u.s. casualties as each month passes. bush had a deer in headlights look in his eyes.
noted: kerry is an ugly sonofabitch. especially when he smiles. president john 'horseface' kerry.
kerry did plug his website. loss of points for that as well as for saying he's going to 'find and kill the terrorists'. sounds too mobster. too barbaric.
kerry busted bush on letting osama slip away. he busted bush multiple times on just how much of a threat saddam was.
i envy my canadian friends.
yes. i hate bush, but honestly, i'm not a huge fan of kerry. i don't see kerry doing much to fuck over the country the way bush has though. i picture a puppet president in office. someone that will be simply average. i hate the fact that i will be voting for the lesser of two evils, but that's reality.
i do like edwards though.
at any rate, kerry wins night one by a landslide.
boy, does bush look like a dumbass. he's writing so goddamn much i'm starting to think he's doing a crossword puzzle. what's a four letter word for 'dumbass'? begins with 'B'.
while kerry answers questions, dubya looks confused and angry. he looks like a little kid just itching to get a word in edgewise while getting schooled by a teacher.
bush's speaking is choppy and broken. he pauses a lot to collect his thoughts. lots of 'ums' and 'uhs as well as a lion's share of botched attempts at words'.
common words used by bush:
bush has the demeanor of a person on the defensive. he speaks like a person backed in to a corner. he looks like he's trying really hard not to interrupt kerry.
side note:
wow! we're giving iraq 7 billion dollars over the next few months to fix all the shit we blew up! that's awfully nice of dubya.
kerry does the clinton thing with his thumb. he does it quite a bit.
he's one hell of a speaker. much better than his opponent. he spent most of the time busting bush on his lies. michael moore would be proud.
kerry inflicted a damaging blow when talking about the increase of u.s. casualties as each month passes. bush had a deer in headlights look in his eyes.
noted: kerry is an ugly sonofabitch. especially when he smiles. president john 'horseface' kerry.
kerry did plug his website. loss of points for that as well as for saying he's going to 'find and kill the terrorists'. sounds too mobster. too barbaric.
kerry busted bush on letting osama slip away. he busted bush multiple times on just how much of a threat saddam was.
i envy my canadian friends.
yes. i hate bush, but honestly, i'm not a huge fan of kerry. i don't see kerry doing much to fuck over the country the way bush has though. i picture a puppet president in office. someone that will be simply average. i hate the fact that i will be voting for the lesser of two evils, but that's reality.
i do like edwards though.
at any rate, kerry wins night one by a landslide.
You make it sound engaging, almost interesting. I wish I hadn't fallen asleep 5 minutes into it.
i guess a vote is allways kind of choosing the lesser evil
no matter were, usa or germany were i life....it sucks....but u said it befor, we call it reality!