more random.
today at work i had a resident tell me he was going to slit my throat or bash my skull in if i didn't give him an extra cigarette.
that should of fazed me but it didn't. i think my response was something like "that'd be no good."
my girlfriend and i bought a house. it rules.
i think i'm having a quarter life crisis.
i can't stop watching the sopranos. one of the greatest shows ever.
i love you. i will never give you up. you keep me warm and comfortably numb.
i added a couple of new photos. does anyone actually give a shit?
let's ask the magic 8 ball.
oh. signs point to no.
... i'm spent.
today at work i had a resident tell me he was going to slit my throat or bash my skull in if i didn't give him an extra cigarette.
that should of fazed me but it didn't. i think my response was something like "that'd be no good."
my girlfriend and i bought a house. it rules.
i think i'm having a quarter life crisis.
i can't stop watching the sopranos. one of the greatest shows ever.
i love you. i will never give you up. you keep me warm and comfortably numb.
i added a couple of new photos. does anyone actually give a shit?
let's ask the magic 8 ball.
oh. signs point to no.
... i'm spent.
just bought a house as well, it rules as well