Hello to everyone in SG Land. I hope everyone have a good holiday. And I really hope Santa and the Mr. Frog brought you kiddies everything you wanted for Xmas. This year I made out like a bandit. The boyfriend got me a super cool camera I've been wanting for quite some time. A Nikon Cool Pix to be exact. In black. You know its a good Xmas when you get a scarf. Well I got 3!!!! I know I'm a lucky girl =] Got some clothes and a bunch of lotions and perfumes that are sure to make me smell like a stripper, but then again those are the best kind.
One of the best things I've ever heard my friend Brandon say, "Strippers smell like sweet cotton candy". Let it be known Brandon says alot of great stuff, but this has to be one of the best things I've heard him say. They also must smell like Pure Seduction from VS too because every time I get into his Jeep he makes it known that I smell like a stripper. I merely take this as a compliment. =]
Now back to what I got for Xmas. Last but not least I got a gorgeous ring from my dad. Must say it has to be my favorite gift this year.
Furthermore, I feel very much accomplished today. I'm up shower, shaved, lotioned, dressed, sorta primed and proper all before 3. May I remind you this probably never happened all in the same day since at least July. I'm not quite sure whats gotten into me. =D
I'm quite excited for Thursday. I will be my first day of Snowboarding for the season. And a great day to end the week, I have been reassured Friday night is going to be fun filled with hot dogs, potato salad, beer, boozes, friends and more then likely me making an ass of my self. Its gonna be great!!!
I have decided I have no set resolution this year other then the few things I've already been trying to incorporate into my daily life which include, being healthy, getting into shaped, try harder at everything, staying positive and being less judgmental of everyone including myself. However my goal I hope to accomplish would have to be, making the deans list, getting a car, and getting my own place.
This is where my blog comes to a hault for today. I hope everyone has a good Monday! <3 <3 <3 <3
One of the best things I've ever heard my friend Brandon say, "Strippers smell like sweet cotton candy". Let it be known Brandon says alot of great stuff, but this has to be one of the best things I've heard him say. They also must smell like Pure Seduction from VS too because every time I get into his Jeep he makes it known that I smell like a stripper. I merely take this as a compliment. =]
Now back to what I got for Xmas. Last but not least I got a gorgeous ring from my dad. Must say it has to be my favorite gift this year.
Furthermore, I feel very much accomplished today. I'm up shower, shaved, lotioned, dressed, sorta primed and proper all before 3. May I remind you this probably never happened all in the same day since at least July. I'm not quite sure whats gotten into me. =D
I'm quite excited for Thursday. I will be my first day of Snowboarding for the season. And a great day to end the week, I have been reassured Friday night is going to be fun filled with hot dogs, potato salad, beer, boozes, friends and more then likely me making an ass of my self. Its gonna be great!!!
I have decided I have no set resolution this year other then the few things I've already been trying to incorporate into my daily life which include, being healthy, getting into shaped, try harder at everything, staying positive and being less judgmental of everyone including myself. However my goal I hope to accomplish would have to be, making the deans list, getting a car, and getting my own place.
This is where my blog comes to a hault for today. I hope everyone has a good Monday! <3 <3 <3 <3
sweet cotton candy sums it up alright