Sorry to hear that you are going through a difficult time in your life right now. Quitting is a serious step requiring courage and strength. I think you have it in you. I know you feel bad right now, but it'll pass. Have you talked to a therapist/psychologist? A change of habits requires an equal replacement. This is why private individuals recommend running and sports, particularly running-related sports, to achieve "runner's euphoria"
@headshot Yeah I started weight lifting again. You'd never know it now by looking at me but years ago I used to be solid. I was never a big guy but solid muscle top to bottom. It was great cause at shows id get in the pit and other dudes thought I was an easy mark being small. More often than not they'd end up on the ground lol miss those times. Idk about therapy. I'm really closed off to what's really going on. Plus I live in the States so even with insurance it costs a fortune. Idk today ain't too bad