So I see we meet again, hmmmm.. I haven't posted anything in ages. I've been so busy with work and being a dad!! I started cooking at a new place, our green chili has won many awards and has been on the food network channel, plus it's vegan and super tasty and good for you!! My lil man is 6 months now and just keeps blowing my mind. Anywho I have a few sets I shot coming really soon and they'll make you swoon hella helllllaaaaa hard 😍😍
This one with @mandikandi comes out right after New Years! I know you'll love this one, she kills it every time 👏🏽
I also got the chance to shoot the extremely amazing babe @kitsune
This one comes out in a month and a half, so excited for you guys to see this one!!
Also Kandi has another set I shot coming out a week after kitsunes and it's pretty fucking beautiful! Here's peek..
I also got the chance to shoot with the very beautiful @vulpixvixen I was trying to upload her set last night but my puter died and our bastard cat ate the fucking cord... So idk how I'm gonna live hahaha so many good photos on there! So in the mean while here's a shot from that one.
Anyways, thanks for checking this out and taking the time to read. Hope all is well with you friends, all of you have a wonderful holiday!! 🖖🏽