let's all give emmett a hearty "good boy." we have just returned from the vet, where he took his booster like the little man he is. Perfect health, they say. he's even lost that extra pound he was carrying around.
after the vet, i went out to woodland park to renew my zoo membership and see the new jaguar enclosure.
i went by the pallas's cat exhibit, and made my usual stop there. i've been going to woodland park since i moved to seattle in 2000, and have never once seen hide nor hair of the pallas's cat. today, i saw what appeared to be a tuft of fur hidden behind a log. that's him, i thought. i've finally seen him.
and then, a head popped up. the pallas's cat rose, and stared at me. he made a little noise. he walked out in full view. as i said, never a sighting in four years. but, there he was.
i told the first stranger who happened to be walking by. she didn't seem all that impressed. but, she will come back, and look for the cat. she will never see it again. she will owe me.
after the vet, i went out to woodland park to renew my zoo membership and see the new jaguar enclosure.
i went by the pallas's cat exhibit, and made my usual stop there. i've been going to woodland park since i moved to seattle in 2000, and have never once seen hide nor hair of the pallas's cat. today, i saw what appeared to be a tuft of fur hidden behind a log. that's him, i thought. i've finally seen him.
and then, a head popped up. the pallas's cat rose, and stared at me. he made a little noise. he walked out in full view. as i said, never a sighting in four years. but, there he was.
i told the first stranger who happened to be walking by. she didn't seem all that impressed. but, she will come back, and look for the cat. she will never see it again. she will owe me.
i love that thing. i'm pretty much a big fan of all the line 6 gear. i've got the DL4, the DM4 and the MM4. i sorta have an effects pedal/guitar equipment problem/addiction.
tofu "