Weird day, seen Tom for the last time till march or april which was sad but will be fine, it always is. Lots to be keeping busy with anyway.
My mum managed to have a car crash today. It wasnt her fault and the damage wasnt too massive on the car but still strange. She is totally fine and very unphased by it all so worry not.
Really want a new graphics card so i can start using my PC again and not the rents one, i really REALLY miss all my music and having a fast computer. I get sooooo angry when computers are not immediately responsive to commands...thats such a geeky thing to be angry about but few things wind me up more than technology can.
I also really miss cuddling, spooning, nuzzling and girl smell.
Stupid girls
Anyway i will smash some zombies in the face for a while on left 4 dead 2 while wrapped in my duvet. I am gravitating between bed and sitting at the computer. Both are good but im pretty sure bed is better.
Add me to MSN if you feel so inclined, so i still have people to talk to from bed as i want to remain connected and yet snuggled in bed, or message me for my number. God bless MSN on my Blackberry.
Im going to listen to Adam and Joe and get some serious duvet action now.
My mum managed to have a car crash today. It wasnt her fault and the damage wasnt too massive on the car but still strange. She is totally fine and very unphased by it all so worry not.
Really want a new graphics card so i can start using my PC again and not the rents one, i really REALLY miss all my music and having a fast computer. I get sooooo angry when computers are not immediately responsive to commands...thats such a geeky thing to be angry about but few things wind me up more than technology can.
I also really miss cuddling, spooning, nuzzling and girl smell.

Stupid girls

Anyway i will smash some zombies in the face for a while on left 4 dead 2 while wrapped in my duvet. I am gravitating between bed and sitting at the computer. Both are good but im pretty sure bed is better.
Add me to MSN if you feel so inclined, so i still have people to talk to from bed as i want to remain connected and yet snuggled in bed, or message me for my number. God bless MSN on my Blackberry.
Im going to listen to Adam and Joe and get some serious duvet action now.
I love that mug. It's not my fav one though, my fav is similarly massive but has VW campers on it ^_^ xx