Home from my raving weekend in London, too much MDMA, too much love, far too little sleep but pretty much the best weekend i have had in such a long time. Its odd because basically in the flat in London my best friend is living with 3 girls we know from University in Reading, but basically i have always considered them his friends rather than mine. However after this weekend we all got sooo close and bonded sooo much and had loads of excellent chats about how we actually all think each other are great and never really told each other much before. God bless extasy, people dont tell their friends how awesome they are enough.
So we went out on friday night to Matter (not affiliated to me, though it may have given me some inspiration for my screen name when i was forced to think of a new one) and we raved till it closed. I was impressed with the music which i was worried was going to be lame, but turned out to be excellent. I just danced for ages. Apparantly i made out with some girl who was wearing Pyjamas but i dont remember that. Did not want to leave when it came to shutting, and some odd columbian girl who worked there kept trying to talk to me when i was trying to dance at the end, but we couldnt really understand each other so it was a little weird and i think i just kinda danced off haha. got home at about 6.30 after raving in the taxi and then i stayed up chatting till around 11am.
Got up at 1pm when i was awoken by everyone coming in the living room (where i had fallen asleep on the sofa) and basically spent the day dying from lack of sleep but still managed to stay up till around 6am before i passed out.
Sunday we watched 'The Business' which is a hilarious cockney gangster film set in 80s spain which i enjoyed a ridiculous amount and then one of the girls made a roast dinner which was fucking ACE. Anyway then we did the last of the MDMA and had a bit more of a rave till the early hours. Came home some time on monday afternoon and im on a total downer because i wont see most of them till the 7th of Feb. Ahhh well. Feb will be a good month as we are all also going to Ministry Of Sound which i cant wait for as i havnt been before.
Anyway, Here are some pictures!!!

My friend Cat and I, we look like some russian propaganda picture staring off at our socialist utopia or something

The Bubble!!!! There were a couple of others but they didnt make it to the end, they were not as hardcore as us

Coming up on the London underground with my best friend Tom. Textbook

Rolling a joint before we go out

Around 4am i decided Red Bull was the answer. I was not wrong. My eyes are alllll pupil here

I demanded a picture of me licking Robs face, and Cat and Tom are bonding in the background. Soooo many hugs and kisses and compliments flying around the group. we were made of Love.
Anyway loads more pic in the folder, but none very exciting. Glad to be back on the SG with you all. MWAH!
Oh and Finally, saw the new video for the new Prodigy single Omen on sat, fucking love this song, very excited about the album!!

Home from my raving weekend in London, too much MDMA, too much love, far too little sleep but pretty much the best weekend i have had in such a long time. Its odd because basically in the flat in London my best friend is living with 3 girls we know from University in Reading, but basically i have always considered them his friends rather than mine. However after this weekend we all got sooo close and bonded sooo much and had loads of excellent chats about how we actually all think each other are great and never really told each other much before. God bless extasy, people dont tell their friends how awesome they are enough.
So we went out on friday night to Matter (not affiliated to me, though it may have given me some inspiration for my screen name when i was forced to think of a new one) and we raved till it closed. I was impressed with the music which i was worried was going to be lame, but turned out to be excellent. I just danced for ages. Apparantly i made out with some girl who was wearing Pyjamas but i dont remember that. Did not want to leave when it came to shutting, and some odd columbian girl who worked there kept trying to talk to me when i was trying to dance at the end, but we couldnt really understand each other so it was a little weird and i think i just kinda danced off haha. got home at about 6.30 after raving in the taxi and then i stayed up chatting till around 11am.
Got up at 1pm when i was awoken by everyone coming in the living room (where i had fallen asleep on the sofa) and basically spent the day dying from lack of sleep but still managed to stay up till around 6am before i passed out.
Sunday we watched 'The Business' which is a hilarious cockney gangster film set in 80s spain which i enjoyed a ridiculous amount and then one of the girls made a roast dinner which was fucking ACE. Anyway then we did the last of the MDMA and had a bit more of a rave till the early hours. Came home some time on monday afternoon and im on a total downer because i wont see most of them till the 7th of Feb. Ahhh well. Feb will be a good month as we are all also going to Ministry Of Sound which i cant wait for as i havnt been before.
Anyway, Here are some pictures!!!

My friend Cat and I, we look like some russian propaganda picture staring off at our socialist utopia or something

The Bubble!!!! There were a couple of others but they didnt make it to the end, they were not as hardcore as us

Coming up on the London underground with my best friend Tom. Textbook

Rolling a joint before we go out

Around 4am i decided Red Bull was the answer. I was not wrong. My eyes are alllll pupil here

I demanded a picture of me licking Robs face, and Cat and Tom are bonding in the background. Soooo many hugs and kisses and compliments flying around the group. we were made of Love.
Anyway loads more pic in the folder, but none very exciting. Glad to be back on the SG with you all. MWAH!
Oh and Finally, saw the new video for the new Prodigy single Omen on sat, fucking love this song, very excited about the album!!
it sounds like you had a good session out on the town then. It wasnt that impressive really it was rather boring , mind you i did get some free wine and chocolates lol
Some of the videos are up x