Last night went to wedding and quite early in the night it became obvious that weddings seem to attract some very fucked up people. By 8pm some numb nut had put his fist through the mirror in the toilet and then all the crap really started with everyone accusing every one else WTF. I thought we were all there supporting our friends on there day not turning it in to a night club type event, the mother of the bride had already been through hell arranging the event and now will get a 600 dollar bill
Grow the fuck up morons...
On a happier note Allura looked stunning as a brides maid and as usual stole my heart
(sorry for the mushy shit).
The bride looked great and for the first time the groom behaved him self. Canberra turned on its usual "stuff you" weather 5 deg, rain and wind but jack daniels helped to numb the chill
Bye for now

On a happier note Allura looked stunning as a brides maid and as usual stole my heart

The bride looked great and for the first time the groom behaved him self. Canberra turned on its usual "stuff you" weather 5 deg, rain and wind but jack daniels helped to numb the chill

Bye for now

On the other hand, it looks like we'll be able to toy with a smart roadster. There's a lot of potential in these babies - a simple ECU upgrade pumps 25% more grunt.
[Edited on Sep 28, 2005 10:20PM]