I was assaulted on Sunday because of my tattoos and piercings.
They arrested the guy, but neglected to find out his blood alcohol level, so thats one less thing that they can charge him with.
Then the police department says they can't give me ANY information.
The states attourney gave me the wrong name of the guy, so I'm still not even sure who attacked me.
They claim the guy was arrained yesteday, so I cant be there for that.
No one want to help the victim.
gOD bless aMerica

They arrested the guy, but neglected to find out his blood alcohol level, so thats one less thing that they can charge him with.
Then the police department says they can't give me ANY information.
The states attourney gave me the wrong name of the guy, so I'm still not even sure who attacked me.
They claim the guy was arrained yesteday, so I cant be there for that.
No one want to help the victim.
gOD bless aMerica

dude that's lame let's all just kill him....that'd work. totally.
hey mattie... sorry to hear about the badness.. if you need someone to talk to just gimmie a call 8478713497