So! I'm back working! For a whole week now! It's been going really good, and it doesn't feel like I've been off at all, so I'm really relieved about that.
As of Thursday afternoon, my first semester of school is done, and I couldn't be happier about that. The last 2 weeks had way too much work for me to do, but I did manage to get to do another song instead of a paper, and it turned out really well! Maybe I'll put it up in the Outside Looking In section! But I think I did really well on all my exams, so I'm jsut glad they are done.
Last night, oh my, Coheed and Cambria. Claudio was amazing last night. Like, perfection on stage, I couldn't have asked for a better show. They played almost ALL old songs, and it was glorious. I went with Nathan, and met up with Cory & Cary there. I also met this girl there last night, and well, she seems very rad. We're doing bubble tea and dinner tommorow, and for the first time EVER when it comes to girls, I am really nervous for some reason. It's weird
But yes, Christmas soon! I'll post again soon!
As of Thursday afternoon, my first semester of school is done, and I couldn't be happier about that. The last 2 weeks had way too much work for me to do, but I did manage to get to do another song instead of a paper, and it turned out really well! Maybe I'll put it up in the Outside Looking In section! But I think I did really well on all my exams, so I'm jsut glad they are done.
Last night, oh my, Coheed and Cambria. Claudio was amazing last night. Like, perfection on stage, I couldn't have asked for a better show. They played almost ALL old songs, and it was glorious. I went with Nathan, and met up with Cory & Cary there. I also met this girl there last night, and well, she seems very rad. We're doing bubble tea and dinner tommorow, and for the first time EVER when it comes to girls, I am really nervous for some reason. It's weird

But yes, Christmas soon! I'll post again soon!
Hope your dinner/tea went GrEAT!