When I hear men boast about how passoinate
they are, I think of the two cleaning ladies
at a second-story window watching a man
coming back from a party where there was
lots of free beer. He runs in and out
of buildings looking for a toilet. "My Lord,"
the tall woman says, "that fellow down there
surely does love architecture".
Jack Gilbert, "The Great Fires"
When I hear men boast about how passoinate
they are, I think of the two cleaning ladies
at a second-story window watching a man
coming back from a party where there was
lots of free beer. He runs in and out
of buildings looking for a toilet. "My Lord,"
the tall woman says, "that fellow down there
surely does love architecture".
Jack Gilbert, "The Great Fires"
The last movie I saw him in was The Rainmaker. I thought he stood out in a relatively minor role. That was a long time ago. It's obvious that he's far from washed up as an actor. Marisa Tomei was quite a revelation in The Wrestler as well, in more ways than one. I totally recommend this movie.