My broadband has only just returned from being cut off by my incompetent service providers. The last couple of weeks have actually been really busy for a change, although probably not very exciting stuff to read in a Journal.
Suffice to say I've been out and about a fair bit, seeing friends and not being stressed much. The plans to move had to be put back, meaning I don't actually get to my new house until the end of next week now. I took a trip back to my home town of Blackpool, which was much better than the usual trips are. I got to spend some time with my parents and with old friends, and the stench of the place didn't infest my being too much.
Last weekend the lovely Mortimer came to visit and we chilled out thoroughly. Went to Wendy House, Black Sheep and the local park - which I've neglected visiting in the 8 months since I arrived here, only to find out it has a huge lake, a river and a forest inside it. Dammit. All that time piled on front of my monitor when I could have been bouncing between trees.
My friend Shaun and his girlfriend came over to Leeds last Tuesday to see a gig at The Fenton, which I gladly attended with them. A variety of heavy bands, featuring some amusing hardcore dancing. Somehow I'm never totally impressed when a kid's floorpunching resembles a gorilla throwing a tantrum.
That's about all I guess. I need a shower. Goodbye.
Suffice to say I've been out and about a fair bit, seeing friends and not being stressed much. The plans to move had to be put back, meaning I don't actually get to my new house until the end of next week now. I took a trip back to my home town of Blackpool, which was much better than the usual trips are. I got to spend some time with my parents and with old friends, and the stench of the place didn't infest my being too much.
Last weekend the lovely Mortimer came to visit and we chilled out thoroughly. Went to Wendy House, Black Sheep and the local park - which I've neglected visiting in the 8 months since I arrived here, only to find out it has a huge lake, a river and a forest inside it. Dammit. All that time piled on front of my monitor when I could have been bouncing between trees.
My friend Shaun and his girlfriend came over to Leeds last Tuesday to see a gig at The Fenton, which I gladly attended with them. A variety of heavy bands, featuring some amusing hardcore dancing. Somehow I'm never totally impressed when a kid's floorpunching resembles a gorilla throwing a tantrum.
That's about all I guess. I need a shower. Goodbye.
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