There's not a whole lot to talk about at the moment, which is a mixed blessing. The only noteworthy event of the week was meeting up with laneyspeedhorn and Ryan for a quick drink after work. It was very cool, and the first time in a long while it's been just the three of us hanging out. Made me a little nostalgic for the days of yore, but not much to be done about that.
My mate Dom left work yesterday, which reduces the amount of people at my job I actually want to chat to every day down to a round zero. Who am I going to make grossly unpleasant sexual jokes with now? It's just not fair. I also bought a few CDs yesterday (well, it's not as if I have anything else to save my money for, apart from everything). These included the new Miocene album, which thrills and saddens me at the same time. It's a great album from a young British alternative talent, which of course means they'll get nowhere. It's incredibly original, well-written, varied stuff. Within 5 years they'll have gone the way of Earthtone9 and others.
After all, why bother supporting British talent when there's 30 new albums by American clones to buy every week?
My mate Dom left work yesterday, which reduces the amount of people at my job I actually want to chat to every day down to a round zero. Who am I going to make grossly unpleasant sexual jokes with now? It's just not fair. I also bought a few CDs yesterday (well, it's not as if I have anything else to save my money for, apart from everything). These included the new Miocene album, which thrills and saddens me at the same time. It's a great album from a young British alternative talent, which of course means they'll get nowhere. It's incredibly original, well-written, varied stuff. Within 5 years they'll have gone the way of Earthtone9 and others.
After all, why bother supporting British talent when there's 30 new albums by American clones to buy every week?
Thank you

I meant my chess nemesis, not arch-nemesis