Various little problem keep swimming around in the pool of my life, urinating frequently to keep me in constant danger of infection. That metaphor may not be as unrelated to reality as you might think.
For most of the last week, my drains have been blocked. This has given my flat a lovely constant smell of rotten eggs, as well as preventing me from doing any washing up - and also from washing my clothes, since I am a pre-industrial heathen without a washing machine. I finally got around to calling my landlord about it last night (my apathy is much larger than my discomfort for most things) and received no reply. But today I've returned home from work to an unblocked drain. A pleasant surprise.
My computer is still on the blink, I have to perform arcane services of temperature manipulation on it to get it to start and keep running. Both cold and heat batter it without mercy until it shuts down. Oh, for a fully functioning power pack.
Off to Lancaster this weekend. Should be fun.
For most of the last week, my drains have been blocked. This has given my flat a lovely constant smell of rotten eggs, as well as preventing me from doing any washing up - and also from washing my clothes, since I am a pre-industrial heathen without a washing machine. I finally got around to calling my landlord about it last night (my apathy is much larger than my discomfort for most things) and received no reply. But today I've returned home from work to an unblocked drain. A pleasant surprise.
My computer is still on the blink, I have to perform arcane services of temperature manipulation on it to get it to start and keep running. Both cold and heat batter it without mercy until it shuts down. Oh, for a fully functioning power pack.
Off to Lancaster this weekend. Should be fun.
oh god you poor thing!! our toilets blocked again too
and our land lady is working in karbul so its taking ages to sort out.... i was almost contemplating shitting in plastic bag last shameful but clenching on tight to the fraction of dignity i have left i didn't. somehow shitting into a bag by the age of 22 isn't quiet how i expected my life to turn out....
anyway hopr things are cool and that you had a good time in lancaster

And a fantastic opinion it is.