A busy, busy weekend. Mortimer came to stay and we strutted our funky stuff with some friends at Flock on the Friday. That and mocked people who were worse dancers than us. I'm such a bitch. But to be fair, when a man dressed in poor shoulder armour (think Uruk-Hai made of tinfoil) is doing the most intolerantly boring glowstick dancing you could conceive in front of you, it's either laugh or cry. Then we took a trip to Manchester on Sunday to see the ever-wonderful Rammstein. Flames! Cannibals! Wheely trolley things! It's the most fun you can have with 6 Germans and a 5 tonne set rig.
damn straight!! rammstein was indeed a sight to behold!! but only the sight of the tinfoil abomination could sooth my denatl anguish!! he he he superb. laughing at people is always a sure fire way to make yourself feel better, don't feel bad tinfoil man was probably laughing at someone else too, i have to say i'm always "impressed" by this guy at the ballroom that wears his full length leather jacket in the searing heat of the club, whilst lifting up the tails to form some makeshift batman cape/outfit whilst dancing or should i say circling the dance floor?....why do some people insist on wearing coats in clubs...i've never understood it...how can they look cool with thier newly couffered hair flopping with the damp and beads of sweat rolling down thier cherry red faces???? why why why!!! ???

I've got one last load of stuff to put up on Ebay, but I never get much money for it, so...