And so I return from Edinburgh. It was something of a strange trip really, and not at all what I expected. My friend who I visited has changed quite a lot in the last couple of years, and to be honest I didn't feel all that comfortable there. I was also bored a hell of a lot of the time and equally disturbed by both peoples' actions while I was there and my reaction to the actions... These days I really have trouble determining whether my thoughts are judgemental or moralistic. It's a very grey area in any case.
Having said that, the city is absolutely beautiful, easily coming second place after York in my list of British towns. Everything is very tall, very old and very made of stone. Some cool CD stores as well, although I was mostly a good boy. Went to a club called The Mission which was interesting if nothing else. It's in a great setting, big stone place with wooden floors - plus two rooms, one for goth and one for metal. Trouble is, the goth room was a bit dull for me with a lot of stuff I didn't know or like. And the metal room was pretty abysmal, consisting almost entirely of DJ-by-numbers nu-metal and old school guitar wank bands. I managed a highly charged dance to Prodigy though, which was much needed.
I'm glad the hour went forward over the weekend, coming home to an extra hour of sunshine is most welcome. It's been a bright and quick day today, enhanced by an unexpected but very pleasant card I got from a friend in the US. Just nice to know people are thinking of me I guess. Also have developed a bit of a crush (or, for long time readers of my profile, an emo-style lovelorn longing) on a girl at my work. Crushes always make time move faster...
If anyone is interested in a night out in Satan's Hollow (Manchester) tomorrow night - that's Tuesday 30th of March for those hard of thinking - just drop a comment or text me to let me know to look for you.
Having said that, the city is absolutely beautiful, easily coming second place after York in my list of British towns. Everything is very tall, very old and very made of stone. Some cool CD stores as well, although I was mostly a good boy. Went to a club called The Mission which was interesting if nothing else. It's in a great setting, big stone place with wooden floors - plus two rooms, one for goth and one for metal. Trouble is, the goth room was a bit dull for me with a lot of stuff I didn't know or like. And the metal room was pretty abysmal, consisting almost entirely of DJ-by-numbers nu-metal and old school guitar wank bands. I managed a highly charged dance to Prodigy though, which was much needed.
I'm glad the hour went forward over the weekend, coming home to an extra hour of sunshine is most welcome. It's been a bright and quick day today, enhanced by an unexpected but very pleasant card I got from a friend in the US. Just nice to know people are thinking of me I guess. Also have developed a bit of a crush (or, for long time readers of my profile, an emo-style lovelorn longing) on a girl at my work. Crushes always make time move faster...
If anyone is interested in a night out in Satan's Hollow (Manchester) tomorrow night - that's Tuesday 30th of March for those hard of thinking - just drop a comment or text me to let me know to look for you.
I noticed you nominated my profile pic in a thread. Cheers dude, much appreciated.