picked up a couple of birthday presents for mel last night, and fell asleep before the sopranos even came on, guess i was beat. no big plans for the weekend, beyond going out for drinks and a bite to eat with erick and doreen friday night after work. maybe philly, who knows... grabbed a bottle of black buca on my way home, have to brew up some coffee or maybe fill up the flask and go out for a good cup. need to pick up an espresso maker. very much looking forward to getting through the next week and a half and going down to the city for the weekend. maybe hit the italian market for some bread and cheeses. always a high point... need something new to read. i'm in one of those ruts i hit occasionally, when nothing particularly appeals to me but i really feel like reading. sucks. need to get a new pic up. the one i have posted looks like ass, and i have to see it every time i make a journal entry. enough random rambling.