picnic with erick and d. tomorrow at e's cousin's place. ought to pass the time, anyway... going to give them a pair of social d./tiger army tickets for their anniversary. need a vacation desperately, but don't know where to go. mel really wants me to go to buffalo with her, but i'm not too into that idea. what the hell am i going to do up there for a week. still, it would be good just to get away. wish i could go out to minneapolis and see steve and rae. miss them. ah well, c'est la vie.
More Blogs
Monday Mar 21, 2005
funny story mmy ex-girlfriend, who is still living sith me rent free,… -
Thursday Mar 17, 2005
tonight my intention is to get guinnessed out of my face, and watch t… -
Thursday Mar 10, 2005
i can't wait to get out of this place, it's fucking toxic. my apartm… -
Wednesday Mar 09, 2005
fuck it -
Friday Mar 04, 2005
friday night, and shortly to be heading out for the usual. hoping th… -
Wednesday Feb 23, 2005
retracted the dating profile. not really fit to be with another huma… -
Monday Feb 21, 2005
followed up on the apartment thing and it fell through, don't know wh… -
Sunday Feb 20, 2005
things are mostly the same... have a lead on an apartment in town, p… -
Tuesday Feb 15, 2005
a month and a half back on meds and not realy feeling any better. no… -
Saturday Feb 12, 2005
bored, spent the whole day on the couch. oh well...