skull a bit drunk now, enjoying a copius amount of alcohol here at the homestead. looks like the storm passed sooner than expected. c'est la vie. skull
skull why are there nothing but yuppie/frat bars in this town, i mean apart from the ghetto-ass dives? in before midnight... it's no wonder all i do is sit around my apartment and read. ah well, back to my borderline monastic solitude. skull
skull hell of a week, rough start and the rest was just fucked up. sort of feel like i don't know which way is up. figure things have to turn around sooner or later. tired all the time, think i'll go read for a while. skull
skull think i'll check out dinner and a movie tomorrow night. i need to get out more, sitting around this place alone isn't doing me any good. wonder if seth's coming home from philly this weekend... if not maybe i'll go see him. :skull
high fidelity is tomorrow's movie. thank god.
skull vicodin hangover. feeling shaky and tired, a little weak. another great start to a year. i don't want to work today, just want to sleep and ignore the rest of the world. skull
skull went out last night, drank too much. feel tired today, and a little off. working tonight, then maybe hit up b&n for a new book, and spend the rest of the night reading. found out yesterday that jeremy is getting married in june. i wish i could go, but i'm sure most of his family wouldn't exactly welcome me. i don't really care to see...
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skull going to the dr. in the morning about my back. going to see if i can go back on effexor while i'm at it. i think it's necessary. i think other people saw it coming, but i didn't really want to. oh well... skull
skull i think i'll talk to seth when he gets back from cali. i need to make a move or i'm done. maybe head west or something, see if he wants to come with me. i just think sometimes that i need to start from scratch. it's a year now since jenn and i split, and things are better in a lot of ways. it's just...
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skull feeling this weird sort of constant, underlying tension thing building. vacation was a bit of a wash, i need to do something. i mean really do something. just have to figure out what. getting to bored, and feel like i'm starting to ware a rut. skull
skull i'm bored, and i don't want to go back to work tomorrow, or wednesday, or whenever it is that i go back. saw the movie 'lenny' the other night. lenny bruce biography w/ dustin hoffman. fucking excellent. if anybody reads these self-indulgent meanderings, i'd higlhy reccomend it. going to have to tell seth about it... picked up a book by dee dee ramone last night....
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skull hell of a vacation, sitting around the apartment bored and getting sick. no place to go, and the brakes are shot in my car. think i'm going to read myself to sleep. skull
skull three more days 'til vacation! the lars show was great. missed the boils and 3/4 of roger miret's set, though, which was a bit disappointing. ready for some time off now, even if i don't really get to go anywhere out of the ordinary. want to get some new music before the weekend. maybe cock sparrer or something, i'm not sure... make a trip out...
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