It's been a few days since my last entry, I've been sick and working like a dog. I have felt like shit for the last week, I hate winter more than anyone can imagine. Then the chaos at the office didn't help, considering I have sick days an was unable to use them. Fortunately I have the next two days off to rest. I finally started feeling a little bit better yesterday but didn't feel like going out so I decided to cook for a "friend" , I spent a good portion of the day shopping and cooking, then we ate, she insisted we watch a tv show I have the least bit of interest in and promptly fell asleep. It would have been nice to watch something together or possibly talk. At least dinner was good. The more I write or think about these things the more I realize I need to find someone that appreciates me - those damn emotions always get in the way of rational thought. I should learn to turn them off like so many others are excellent at. I need to stop complaining, that helps nothing - it just makes me more aware of how fucked up things are and how I posses the power to stop them but choose to tolerate it and don't know why.
I must say I haven't cooked all that much but find it to be interesting, this is a good thing considering I love to eat - one would never know looking at me. So today I shall relax , I think I'll take the dog for a walk and grab a movie, I want to see the Sinatra story, I doubt the video store will have it. Well my soups done that's it for now. I'll come on later and see what's been going on in your worlds later. I would like to hit up that Saturday afternoon bar thing soon. Hope all is well
Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too self-ful to seek other than itself. -KG

Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too self-ful to seek other than itself. -KG
Good luck.