I am beat; last nigh I went to a good friends open house. She works for a graphics / production company; anyway they had food, an open bar, a masseuse, and a tarot card reader. It was a good little shin dig. I got home early, the trains and bus worked out well. I should get back to work..
More Blogs
Monday Jan 12, 2004
So back to work, I need another weekend. Well only four more days to … -
Saturday Jan 10, 2004
As I said in an earlier post Ive been under the weather for the last … -
Thursday Jan 08, 2004
Well I'm back to work after a being under the weather for the past fe… -
Friday Jan 02, 2004
Happy New Year to All!! Hope everyone had a happy holiday, whatever … -
Monday Dec 15, 2003
I hate the subway and people! I am shot by the time I get to my offi… -
Friday Dec 12, 2003
I am beat; last nigh I went to a good friends open house. She works f… -
Tuesday Nov 11, 2003
I am so shot, my eyes are killing me, I spend too much time staring a…
xoxo alexis