This topic is perfect for me as i had to get really creative to find new stress relief tactics in the past weeks - i lost one of my jobs, had tons of work in the other, went through a break up, had to move back to my parents... so i often found myself in a state i had been hoping i wouldn't be anymore ever.
This led to intense brainstorming about how to spend my evenings other than whining. Of course, there's always netflix and new girl or how i met your mother have always been there if i wanted to burst out in laughter during the darkest of times. But i also thought back to my teenage days when i was naturally bored as fuck 24/7 and i realized that it had always helped me getting creative.
So that's what i did! I started teaching myself guitar chords and really practising till my finger tips became sore. Once they were, i took my old pencil case out of the drawer and drew whatever came to mind - at first very frustrating but soon i started to remember the techniques i had used a few years ago.
I also forced myself to at least half an hour of dancing a day - i don't mean in a beautiful, structured way i normally try. Just jumping and headbanging to some good ol' Walls of Jericho or August Burns Red! Once your head is dizzy and you feel like a rockstar, nothing can get to you too much \m/
Last but not least there's always food. After two weeks of sorrow my body was finally able to enjoy some treats again!
If you don't feel like being alone, call someone! Hang out with other people and just talk about shared memories or tv shows - that always takes your mind off the bad stuff, i promise!
Though this was not the happiest of topics, i hope they inspire some of you to not just endure stressful times but make the best of it!
I love you guys!!