I am so sore I can barely walk up the stairs. I took a nap and had to crawl up them after. I can barely pick up my 25 pound daughter, and I am willing to go again at 5 AM on a Saturday? What is wrong with me? Lol I have no idea, I may feel like falling over with every step I take but I also feel amazing and can't wait to see the results.
If any of you are in Denver here is the website he said he would do it for $49 a month for anyone I refer and you get all sorts of crazy ass deals that are listed on the site. Here ya go www.denverfitbodybootcamp.com
If any of you are in Denver here is the website he said he would do it for $49 a month for anyone I refer and you get all sorts of crazy ass deals that are listed on the site. Here ya go www.denverfitbodybootcamp.com
FEEL BETTER!!!!!!!!!
get better! x