I'm Back!!!!!
Don't all groan at once. Sorry I've been so long, but between staying at The Rev's, work and sleeping SG took a bit of a back seat.
But I have good news - I've been accepted on my college course and am now going to be a proper grown up professional make up artist
I can't wait to tell them to get stuffed at work, but being the cruel and cunning cow that I am, I'm only giving them a weeks notice and that won't be until august
That should fuck them up good and proper
I'll catch up soon
Don't all groan at once. Sorry I've been so long, but between staying at The Rev's, work and sleeping SG took a bit of a back seat.
But I have good news - I've been accepted on my college course and am now going to be a proper grown up professional make up artist

I can't wait to tell them to get stuffed at work, but being the cruel and cunning cow that I am, I'm only giving them a weeks notice and that won't be until august

That should fuck them up good and proper

I'll catch up soon
i relly should get off the computer.