Well I've finally quit my job and had a dire evening out with my cool workmates and attention seeking (drunk before we got to the restaurant) manager!
So am now waiting to hear back from the couple of interviews I've had this week.... Fingers crossed
Nothing interesting at all has happened recently, except our neighbours trying to kill each other over a now empty bottle...
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So am now waiting to hear back from the couple of interviews I've had this week.... Fingers crossed

Nothing interesting at all has happened recently, except our neighbours trying to kill each other over a now empty bottle...
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Yes ok you lot... I know.... I know...
It's been a stupid amount of time, but life has been the usual soap opera of shit job and money stuff.
The worst point was my gran finally losing her battle with Alzeimers late last year. It was very sad, but it gave us all time to remember how she rode a motorbike at 15 years old...
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It's been a stupid amount of time, but life has been the usual soap opera of shit job and money stuff.
The worst point was my gran finally losing her battle with Alzeimers late last year. It was very sad, but it gave us all time to remember how she rode a motorbike at 15 years old...
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Oh sugar plum, I'm really sorry. *big snuggly hug* It doesn't matter, we've got plenty of time. Plus that give you loads of practice time!
Hope to see you very soon, we shall have an excellent time, I promise. Take care my lovely!
Hope to see you very soon, we shall have an excellent time, I promise. Take care my lovely!
Hey baby

New post?

*drums fingers against desk*
I get new post, but it's generally bills or La Rebloodydoute.
What a time of it we've been having!
nullThe_Reverend is offline at the mo with problems with his laptop, but he'll be back soon I promise!
Christmas is on the way and as not being paid until tomorrow... all the shopping is happening then. Oh what fun
Lots of festive love and kisses from us both
nullThe_Reverend is offline at the mo with problems with his laptop, but he'll be back soon I promise!
Christmas is on the way and as not being paid until tomorrow... all the shopping is happening then. Oh what fun

Lots of festive love and kisses from us both

More boobs!
You have indeed got lovely bristols.
I know I know I know....
I never get on the bloody internet!!!!!
Lots has happened and himself has hinted at some things that occurred recently, now that I'm not so homicidal I'll fill you in.
It was our first year anniversary last week and on wed we and two mates went to a (fantastic) gig in birmingham. The problems started when S (see The_Reverend's...
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I never get on the bloody internet!!!!!
Lots has happened and himself has hinted at some things that occurred recently, now that I'm not so homicidal I'll fill you in.
It was our first year anniversary last week and on wed we and two mates went to a (fantastic) gig in birmingham. The problems started when S (see The_Reverend's...
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Poor MK, what a bitch! I hate girls like that. At least you know that Rev is hopelessly devoted to you, and as much as that crazy woman interferes, it's not going to do her any good.
Congrats on your one year anniversary! Me and my boyfriend (who is a member of SG, but is sooooooo inactive) just had our seven year. I guess October is a big month for love, because I know three other couples who have October anniversaries!
BTW, did you really work with Keanu Reeves? I adoooooore him.
We have the same birthday... well, his is like 17 years before mine, but the month and day are he same.
Congrats on your one year anniversary! Me and my boyfriend (who is a member of SG, but is sooooooo inactive) just had our seven year. I guess October is a big month for love, because I know three other couples who have October anniversaries!

BTW, did you really work with Keanu Reeves? I adoooooore him.

Oh, good lord. I am exhausted just reading that.
Women are fucking nutty.
Women are fucking nutty.
Sorry sorry sorry sorry.
Life has been bizarre recently and I've just had no time to do anything but get up, work, no lunch break, get shit from the general public just because I happen to be employed by a shit company, stagger home, vent at my man, maybe eat, smoke and pass out. only to do it all over again.
having been doing 6...
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Life has been bizarre recently and I've just had no time to do anything but get up, work, no lunch break, get shit from the general public just because I happen to be employed by a shit company, stagger home, vent at my man, maybe eat, smoke and pass out. only to do it all over again.
having been doing 6...
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Update your journal, woman!

i agree with all the above...
i'm sorry i hog the computer...
i'm sorry i hog the computer...

I'm Back!!!!!
Don't all groan at once. Sorry I've been so long, but between staying at The Rev's, work and sleeping SG took a bit of a back seat.
But I have good news - I've been accepted on my college course and am now going to be a proper grown up professional make up artist
I can't wait to tell them to get stuffed...
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Don't all groan at once. Sorry I've been so long, but between staying at The Rev's, work and sleeping SG took a bit of a back seat.
But I have good news - I've been accepted on my college course and am now going to be a proper grown up professional make up artist

I can't wait to tell them to get stuffed...
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Don't do ... damn it, you're still not here.
2 1/2 months?
i relly should get off the computer.
i relly should get off the computer.

Well, thank you for the feedback for the new pics
Brighton was very cool, even if we couldn't stand up next to each other in the room!
Have a look at The_Reverend page for the pics!!! It was hilarious...We were in an attic room of a 'B&B', which was actually a spare room in some woman's house so she could make a bit of extra...
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Brighton was very cool, even if we couldn't stand up next to each other in the room!
Have a look at The_Reverend page for the pics!!! It was hilarious...We were in an attic room of a 'B&B', which was actually a spare room in some woman's house so she could make a bit of extra...
Read More
Miss you tonight. Keep warm! xxxxx

i'm so proud of you.

Ha Ha! What fun!!!
Nearly holiday time
Have now decided that work can go fuck themselves and I'm only doing what my contract asks of me (and not the billion other things I seems to have been lumbered with).
Oh, yeah... There's more pics, this time from the new camera so they're much crisper.
Hope everyone's ok and having fun
Nearly holiday time

Have now decided that work can go fuck themselves and I'm only doing what my contract asks of me (and not the billion other things I seems to have been lumbered with).
Oh, yeah... There's more pics, this time from the new camera so they're much crisper.
Hope everyone's ok and having fun
The pay rise has been submitted.... so it's only afew more days before I find out whether they've shafted me or not
Life is weird... how come you get a new boss, who's meant to be the dogs whatsits, but then proceeds to fuck off early, leaving you to run around like a nutter, while he's on 30k and I'm... well, let's say, definitely not?...
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Life is weird... how come you get a new boss, who's meant to be the dogs whatsits, but then proceeds to fuck off early, leaving you to run around like a nutter, while he's on 30k and I'm... well, let's say, definitely not?...
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Hey gorgeous.
That's it!

That's it!
Hey hotness!
Something is stirring here - I'm imagining you in a jungle setting, and me hiding amongst the twigs.
It won't be the first time in my life, and I guarantee it won't be the last. Twigs rule.
More pics! more more more more!
Something is stirring here - I'm imagining you in a jungle setting, and me hiding amongst the twigs.
It won't be the first time in my life, and I guarantee it won't be the last. Twigs rule.
More pics! more more more more!
Another day another dollar... no wait, that can't be right...
Oh yeah... the fuckers are trying to back out of my promised payrise, which i have in writing should be backdated until the first of march and be in my end of april pay!
My area manager was fired this morning which hasn't helped either... Although I have two managers trying to outbid each other...
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Oh yeah... the fuckers are trying to back out of my promised payrise, which i have in writing should be backdated until the first of march and be in my end of april pay!

My area manager was fired this morning which hasn't helped either... Although I have two managers trying to outbid each other...
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yeah, perspective? sorry about that , a little depressin really...
ta again for your nice words about me paintins, they r good for my motivation.....
how was your weekend, i thought you were away just now??
take it easy

ta again for your nice words about me paintins, they r good for my motivation.....
how was your weekend, i thought you were away just now??
take it easy

Gonna miss you tonight
...especially after last night!

...especially after last night!

Hey guys!
Work is wank but what's new?
Nearly time to buy the camera, dependant of finacials being good and all that.
Had a long easter weekend with my man and friends, but it'll be nice when we manage to have some time to ourselves without one of us (usually me) falling asleep in front of the telly
Found out we're off to Brighton for...
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Work is wank but what's new?
Nearly time to buy the camera, dependant of finacials being good and all that.
Had a long easter weekend with my man and friends, but it'll be nice when we manage to have some time to ourselves without one of us (usually me) falling asleep in front of the telly

Found out we're off to Brighton for...
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...oh babe.
x x x
x x x
hehe lots of trinkets and things twas fun xxx
In my first apartment, our upstairs neighbours would get totally drunk and scream and beat the crap out of each other - walls thumping, the whole deal. Even better, not five minutes after the throw down they would have make-up sex that was twice as loud!
My fingers are crossed for you!