Shit man the smoke from the fires is killing my lungs. Anyway this guy came into my work today. He had his girlfriend with him. She had to have been one of the most arousing women I've seen in a long time. She had this very boyish quality, skinny body with this androginous pixie cut and she was just fucking adorable. He seemed like a...
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I'm going to skip the ACT tommorrow, and I know what all you people not actually reading this are thinking, "what the hell is that guy doing taking a college entrance exam?" Well I'll tell ya. I dropped out of high school so that means that I've been tooling around at the JC's for a couple years now but finally I'm ready to transfer so...
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My sex drive is gone. I mean it's not totally absent but I've never felt less horny in my life. Usually I walk around with an endless procession of fuck fantasies running through my mind and every time I talk to a girl I spend my time trying to figure a way into her pants. I had always thought it was a terrible way to...
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your profile makes you come across as a cocky bastard.

(Just to let you know) but i'm sure that was your intnet.
Ya my girlfriend came over last night and left this morning, I was sort of relieved when she did. I don't know why but sleeping in the same bead as her is causing my neck to tighten up in a way that is anything but pleasant. I think I'm much more comfortable being, sleeping, and fucking alone. Other people require all of this thought and...
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My life is fuckin fictitious
yet still so very vicous
how can mere illusions
leave these bleading contustions
like heat from cold fusion

the faking doesn't stop at climaxes
the tension could be chopped with axes
so we're both getting cut like taxes
but lets not forgets fruedian text
that says we'll stay just for the sex
what next?