me and my girlfriend broke up. i said, "i don't think i want to be in this situation anymore," and she said, "ya i don't think i want to either." i'm sad about it. it was the first sucsessful relationship i've ever had. i usually never have lasting relationships because i've got pathological personality issues. which means i'm gonna eat your children. hey just kidding,...
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Man, that whomps. Sorry to hear it.

ouch. sorry. frown
Who the fuck cares that Saddam was captured. The guy was hiding in a hole six feet deep. Doesn't sound like he was running much in the way of resistance from that stinking crater. If Bush gets re-elected I'm gonna puke all over myself.
My dog was killed today. Run over by a car. I was walking out my door and I hear this horrible noise. At first I thought it was a weird bird or something then I realized what was happening and I rushed out to find him in the street. He was laying on the ground letting out this horrible wail and he couldn't move the...
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Sorry to hear that. My condolences.
My condolences, too. I just wanted to say that your journal entry was surprisingly moving and that I can empathize completely: I only recently was working in a nursing home, where death comes all too frequently. Death sucks.
some cute funny girl just gave me a comment and it prompted me to review my self descrip. anyway I am now aware of the fact that I sound like a arrogant fuck but fear of change has left me paralyzed and unable to do a thing about it. AAAAHHHHH!
I dunno, I like the hip comment. Arrogant fuckness is a lesser vice, than, say, necrophagia.

And thanks for the congrats.
I'm trying to self publish a zine with material from artists and writers who I have the good luck to be aquainted with. It's going pretty well. Today one of the artists showed me some preliminary skethches of a one page comic for the back page that I wrote. He did an awesome characterization of yours truly. It's this rail thin bearded fellow with wide...
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Hmmm, you're a little young to be drinking that beer, Mister.
Today I will write an essay on Kant's Aesthetics and Romantic art or atleast I should write that essay. At ten o clock this morning I sat down to do it and now it is 4 and I have work in three hours. Last night I'm pretty sure my girlfriend faked a bad dream in order to wake me up and engage me in conversation....
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That would indeed be an interesting tale. Certainly more fun to write than an essay on Kant.
Yeh, I abandoned that thread. I saw that it was heading nowhere. I have had some rather meaningful conversations and debates with some conservative people around here. Meaningful as in we listened to each other, considered each others points and disagreed without many attacks, even though we had extreme differences of thought.

Whats the point in having a written exchange of insults. If I wanted to be insulted I would watch Fox News (sic).

BTW, Terry Gilliam kicks ass. Have you watched Lost in La Muncha (sp?)? Some of the interviews with him on the DVD are quite good esp. the story of how Brazil almost didn't get released in the U.S.
A Tribute to MC Paul Barman

I sell lurid pictures of turgid scriptures
I heard fixtures
on living room walls
are giving you gaul
to assualt a whole mall,
I halt like a doll that's run out of batteries
I'm fun like a fattery aka restuarant
run by my best aunt
gertrude stienman-vestmont
Well, you officially get the rockstar-of-the-day award. First, I read the very funny reply to the Arnold defender. So I say to myself: "Self, let's go see who this cat is", and lo and behold, you have a "A Tribute to MC Paul Barman" right here. You are okay in my book, man.

However, I AM the only person I know who is NOT enthralled with Cryptonomicon. It is alright, but I do skip very large chunks of it due to lack of interest. And I mean it, all of my friends think this book is the best thing since the Tommyknockers. What am I missing?

And why are my posts all crammed up against the left hand wall????

[Edited on Dec 01, 2003 10:50AM]
It's 7:58 do you know where your children are? I know where my girlfriend is. That's the best I can offer. She's afraid that when my ex comes back from college for thanksgiving I will cheat on her. Her fear is well based. I as well am afraid I will cheat on her.
The answer to this is simple, dont do any booze or drugs and even if you really like your ex as a person still treat her like crap(you know the way your supposed to treat all your regular friends) Basically dont do anything that will mess up your judgement and dont treat her like she more specail then bob the lawnnut down the street.biggrin
I suppose you don't need to be told that you *oughtn't* cheat on her (being well-versed in Kant and various Old Dead White Guys). In the rare cases where this has come up for me, I find it instructive to reflect upon the fact that there are reasons why my exes are ex and my non-ex isn't.
I lost my Dosh album but I gained a hatred for my coworkers... whom I suspect stole it.
Co Workers SUCK! Have you heard of pissing in the coffeepot, great way to relieve stress! lol
Thanks for your email. I really think what I think and if you have a problem with that I am happy for you.
This chick is talking to me about what to do if your boyfriend is a horrible recluse. I'm telling her that I am that boyfriend and that if you're alexis (my girlfriend) you compensate by being overly needy and demanding.
Awesome !!!!!!!!!!! You show her! love umm your hot ! robot
AHHHHHH College essays are HORRIBLE!
Feeling better today. Watched Spun last night and that was a horrible reminder of past lives. But today is ok. One day from today will be tommorow and I can't wait for it.
the future is NOW!
So I'm totally ruining my chances of transfering over to Berkeley. Today I walked out on an exam in trig. Have to drop the class now. Plus I've been totally neglecting my other classes. There's plato I should be reading this very moment. Ah well se la ve. Who care's if I don't make it to UCB there is always a lucrative carreer in the...
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I'm talking to my ex right now, it is painful. "I'm trying to be nice," she is telling me about me. Now I am talking to my current girlfriend. It is painful.
Its great to to get feedback from family and friends. But don't forget that that might also have unconscious agendas that they are playing out also. By that I mean, don't let anyone pull you down too far. Sometimes people can rag on you, and they think they are just pointing out constructive points. But when you are in a bad place it can just feel like more shit getting dumped on you. You do not need that. Concentrate on changing future behavior.

If you are in school, go see a conselour. Sometimes an independent person can help put things in perspective, without bringing much emotional baggage to the plate. Sometimes there are temp drugs that can help out. I do not believe in a lifetime addiction to Prozac and the like, but they sure can help in the short run.