Today I'm not good. Do not take pills for nervous breakdown during 3 days ; it is not a good idea.
I try to find lyrics of : Meteors "leave me alone". That's exactly how I feel.
"you don't like the clothes I wear
don't like away when I cut my hair
you don't like anything I do
I wanted to say to you
leave me alone"
Just listen to this song. Just take a paddle
Remember when you was young and stupid. Just act :o).
and for my french buddies (if someone wants to translate)
Le monde est une vraie porcherie,
Les hommes se comportent comme des porcs
De l'elevage en batterie,
A des milliers de tonnes de morts
Nous sommes a l'heure des fanatiques,
Folie oppression scientifique
Nous sommes dans un etat de jungle
Et partout c'est la loi du flingue...
Prostitution organisee,
Putrefaction, gerbe et nausee
Le tiers-monde creve, les porcs s'empiffrent
La tension monte, les G.I. s'griffent
Massacres dans les abattoirs,
Brules dans les laboratoires,
Parques dans des cites-dortoirs,
Prisonniers derriere ton parloir
Et au Chili les suspects cuisent,
Dans les fours du gouvernement
En Europe, les rebels croupissent
Dans les bunkers de l'isolement
Un homme qui eclate en morceaux,
Dynamite par des bourreaux
Des singes conduits a la violence,
Bethov' devient ultra-violence
D'un cote l'systeme monetaire,
De l'autre, l'ombre militaire
Tout fini en reglements d'compte
A coups de schlaque le sang inonde...
Flics-armee... Porcherie!
Apartheid... Porcherie!
D.S.T... Porcherie!
Et le Pen... Porcherie!

I try to find lyrics of : Meteors "leave me alone". That's exactly how I feel.
"you don't like the clothes I wear
don't like away when I cut my hair
you don't like anything I do
I wanted to say to you
leave me alone"
Just listen to this song. Just take a paddle
Remember when you was young and stupid. Just act :o).
and for my french buddies (if someone wants to translate)
Le monde est une vraie porcherie,
Les hommes se comportent comme des porcs
De l'elevage en batterie,
A des milliers de tonnes de morts
Nous sommes a l'heure des fanatiques,
Folie oppression scientifique
Nous sommes dans un etat de jungle
Et partout c'est la loi du flingue...
Prostitution organisee,
Putrefaction, gerbe et nausee
Le tiers-monde creve, les porcs s'empiffrent
La tension monte, les G.I. s'griffent
Massacres dans les abattoirs,
Brules dans les laboratoires,
Parques dans des cites-dortoirs,
Prisonniers derriere ton parloir
Et au Chili les suspects cuisent,
Dans les fours du gouvernement
En Europe, les rebels croupissent
Dans les bunkers de l'isolement
Un homme qui eclate en morceaux,
Dynamite par des bourreaux
Des singes conduits a la violence,
Bethov' devient ultra-violence
D'un cote l'systeme monetaire,
De l'autre, l'ombre militaire
Tout fini en reglements d'compte
A coups de schlaque le sang inonde...
Flics-armee... Porcherie!
Apartheid... Porcherie!
D.S.T... Porcherie!
Et le Pen... Porcherie!
My French is really bad, so I have to struggle with it. I hope you understood what I was trying to say (I can say it in English if I butchered your language too much). I could not make out some of the later things about Rousseau and Aristotle. What it said was interesting enough to make me want to look for some of her books though. Thank you for the suggestion!
You have posted a number of very intelligent things on the boards by the way. I don't think the people you were arguing with caught some of what you were saying (for instance, when you asked them what a race was, or what a nature was). I personally don't believe in human nature either. What we always consider human nature is what we are conditioned to be by our social environment/system. Indeed, the same applies to all social relations, structures, and entities. I think, for instance, that it is "natural" to have democracy. Saddam Hussein, however, thinks it is "natural" to have a dictatorship. People think it is "human nature" to be greedy (in a capitalist society). This was not true for hundreds, if not a few thousand, years of human civilization. I applaud you on that insight.