Today I went to the office for unemployment people to know how I will earn money (in France governement gives you money compared to the time you have work znd your last salary).
I was so angry I spend time in sephora, shoes shops and H&M. Ouch ! I have no money anymore but nice pretty things
Thursday morning, I went for one week see my mother in the south of Fsrance. so have a very nice week. I will think of you in my sunny garden.
question : do you think pain is necessary when you are doing a tatoo ?
For me it is an obligation. You are going to modify your body ; it is an important act. You have to suffer ; it is not like buying bread.
Pain anyway is a part of life.
I was so angry I spend time in sephora, shoes shops and H&M. Ouch ! I have no money anymore but nice pretty things

Thursday morning, I went for one week see my mother in the south of Fsrance. so have a very nice week. I will think of you in my sunny garden.
question : do you think pain is necessary when you are doing a tatoo ?
For me it is an obligation. You are going to modify your body ; it is an important act. You have to suffer ; it is not like buying bread.
Pain anyway is a part of life.
Je me suis fait percer la langue recemment, et je pense que cela n'aurait pas eu les mme consquences sans (tu sais que les hommes ne savent pas ce que c'est que la souffrance !) . Je pense que donc c'est indispensable.
Niveau boulot, on en est exactement au mme point tout les deux ! JE viens de faire un test chez Kenzo (homme). Cela n'a pas march. L'anpe refusera de ma payer mes allocs (c'est une longue histoire..), bref, je me depeche...
Quand est il de ta decouverte de Queer as folk ?
I saw your thread in the Current Events boards and came by to see who you were. I'd love to know more about your thoughts on sexuality and free speech, and your interests (as described in your profile) in queer activism in France.