I was wondering why I like this website.
Of course there are nice girls and I like to see them even I'm not lesbian.
But the thing that I like is how mature and gentle are most of the boys.
There are a thread called vaginas, another one called the breasts. Only one or two boys were rude. The others ones were very polite and just look the picures without nasty comments.
I think it is very rare. On the other websites, boys used to be very rude and think girls are for them. So they think they can say anything. they used to treat them as whores (even I consider you mus not treat a whore with rudeness.
Here are a website of frineds of mine. Just have a look !
It is in french and inenglish.
Of course there are nice girls and I like to see them even I'm not lesbian.
But the thing that I like is how mature and gentle are most of the boys.
There are a thread called vaginas, another one called the breasts. Only one or two boys were rude. The others ones were very polite and just look the picures without nasty comments.
I think it is very rare. On the other websites, boys used to be very rude and think girls are for them. So they think they can say anything. they used to treat them as whores (even I consider you mus not treat a whore with rudeness.
Here are a website of frineds of mine. Just have a look !
It is in french and inenglish.
Je me suis inscrit sur le site aprs avoir vu un reportage la tlvision. J' tais curieux. Et comme toi, j' aime bien l' ambiance. Les gens sont sympa ici.
im thinking of putting off the barcelona thing a while and im going to concerntrate on moving to london in the coming months. i have friends and family there. i think moving to a country where i dont speak the language might be a step backwards at the moment regarding the loneliness and isolation.
i should just move to where the fun is.
thanks again.
oh, also, i agree with you regarding this website.
and i think you are the prettiest petal in the whole bunch.