I will try to explain to you how French suburbs are born.
After WW2, France needs to be rebuilt. She makes come people from our colonies for this task. It is very important during the 60s.
After War of Algeria, lots of pro-french Algerians came in France too.
Before WW2, 50% of French people lived in rural areas. After WW2, majority of French people lived in towns. So we needed to build big buildings, near the factories. Factories are outside the town so we build outside the towns; suburbs are born.
We gave to immigrant people flats in their buildings.
In the 70s we begin to know there will have problems with this social segregation. But we did not do anything.
1974: with oil problems, there is an economic crisis. France doesnt need workers any more but she thinks Arab people will be better workers if they have their family. Families came.
French government gave money to private companies to build these buildings. These companies built discount buildings which were made to last 20 or 30 years. That explain why they are in a such poor condition. These buildings were just dormitory suburbs not nice places to live.
1981: a suburb near Lyon begins to create problems (burnings). We create the notion of sensible areas. The first priority areas of education (it means Government gave them more Money) are created too. These areas are created, not always with real reasons but with geographical reasons.
In the 80 and the 90s, we relocate some companies far from Paris (80-100 miles about). We create new suburbs because we would like to limit too much population in the old areas. So we move problems away from Paris. If we dont see problems, it doesnt exist.
1990: riots in another suburb near Lyon because a young man is killed. We created Minister of Town and proximitys police.
We begin to to destroy some suburbs.
1996: Our prime minister created free-tax areas. If a company moves in a suburb, it has tax free.
1997: Another socialist prime minister spoke with social actors. He created young works. Young workers can work for Government or for associations. It is interesting because people in associations are not voluntary. In 1998, young people have not duty any more to do their national service. You could work in army but also in proximity police or in an association. When it disappeared, associations in suburbs have problems.
Now: Sarkosy (Interior Minister) gave to proximity police a very repressive way. For example he created a law ; it is forbidden for young people to say together near a building in suburbs.
Minister of town wants to change suburbs for 2008: 30 milliards of euros will be spent.
- 150 000 buildings will be destroy
- 200 000 will be rebuild
- 42 new free-tax areas will be create
a suburb
The immigrations museum will open in 2007; it is interesting to see such museum just appears in 2007 and not before. We have problems to see we have shanty towns in the 50s.
It is very hard in France to speak about what French army has done during war of Algeria.
english description of a french suburb ; well done !
After WW2, France needs to be rebuilt. She makes come people from our colonies for this task. It is very important during the 60s.
After War of Algeria, lots of pro-french Algerians came in France too.
Before WW2, 50% of French people lived in rural areas. After WW2, majority of French people lived in towns. So we needed to build big buildings, near the factories. Factories are outside the town so we build outside the towns; suburbs are born.
We gave to immigrant people flats in their buildings.
In the 70s we begin to know there will have problems with this social segregation. But we did not do anything.

1974: with oil problems, there is an economic crisis. France doesnt need workers any more but she thinks Arab people will be better workers if they have their family. Families came.
French government gave money to private companies to build these buildings. These companies built discount buildings which were made to last 20 or 30 years. That explain why they are in a such poor condition. These buildings were just dormitory suburbs not nice places to live.
1981: a suburb near Lyon begins to create problems (burnings). We create the notion of sensible areas. The first priority areas of education (it means Government gave them more Money) are created too. These areas are created, not always with real reasons but with geographical reasons.
In the 80 and the 90s, we relocate some companies far from Paris (80-100 miles about). We create new suburbs because we would like to limit too much population in the old areas. So we move problems away from Paris. If we dont see problems, it doesnt exist.
1990: riots in another suburb near Lyon because a young man is killed. We created Minister of Town and proximitys police.
We begin to to destroy some suburbs.

1996: Our prime minister created free-tax areas. If a company moves in a suburb, it has tax free.
1997: Another socialist prime minister spoke with social actors. He created young works. Young workers can work for Government or for associations. It is interesting because people in associations are not voluntary. In 1998, young people have not duty any more to do their national service. You could work in army but also in proximity police or in an association. When it disappeared, associations in suburbs have problems.
Now: Sarkosy (Interior Minister) gave to proximity police a very repressive way. For example he created a law ; it is forbidden for young people to say together near a building in suburbs.
Minister of town wants to change suburbs for 2008: 30 milliards of euros will be spent.
- 150 000 buildings will be destroy
- 200 000 will be rebuild
- 42 new free-tax areas will be create
a suburb

The immigrations museum will open in 2007; it is interesting to see such museum just appears in 2007 and not before. We have problems to see we have shanty towns in the 50s.

It is very hard in France to speak about what French army has done during war of Algeria.
english description of a french suburb ; well done !
I don't think I am going to make it to France this year though. I am going to at least see Britain, Russia, and Germany though.