4 flights to both coasts in 24 hours, and so far every flight has been on time!! Is possible the airlines are sucking less than usual lately?
where are all the orange people coming from? When did spray tans come back in vogue? Why didn't I get the memo?
what were you doing around these parts?! i would have joined you for coffee but i just woke up 

Maybe I've been home for too long.
We should all have friends who anesthesiologists...
...who knew modern medicine could get rid of pain and help u sleep like a baby?!??!?

I guess that is a plan
Wanting something more is healthy, but when does it turn into whining for more pudding? So sick of wussy punks! How do deal with whiners?
love La Roux!
not sure i could pull it off! i should try maybe...
So who has annoyed you lately?!?
One of the guys that works for me pissed me off pretty good today. With zero electrical knowledge, he attempted to do something that probably would have zapped him, and killed all our power. And he didn't ask if he could do it, I caught him trying. Then he got upset when I told him "No, you can't do that.". Grrrr...
Has anyone used a Toddy Brewing machine for iced coffee?
went beyond the shores.....and below....all good summer fun today...
While that movie looks like everything I would not like, I think my attraction to Adrian Brody would only wane if the man had a serious scary hook dick.
Eh, Dicks don't really do anything for me in the first place, I'm more of a vag girl myself. And if little Brody is shaped like a damned question mark, oh hell no.
say it ain't so??....say it?
Haha Im not asking about the color!
Im asking about like,ANY kind.
Different ones.
Im asking about like,ANY kind.
Different ones.
thanks. I try! 

Can I just remind everyone how much accounting and accounting softwares systems SUCK!!!!! ARGHH!!
Excited...Canada for the weekend & then off to Italy-
I found this quote from Suresh Sundaresan made in 2005 that completely predicts our recent financial crisis a full 2 years in advance:
Overview of Presentation
Negative Aspects of Credit Disintermediation
1. Asymmetric information and Moral Hazard issues have
yet to be sorted out satisfactorily in contractual agreements.
2. More households are now exposed to institutional
credit risk. Note that households do not have limited...
Read More
Overview of Presentation
Negative Aspects of Credit Disintermediation
1. Asymmetric information and Moral Hazard issues have
yet to be sorted out satisfactorily in contractual agreements.
2. More households are now exposed to institutional
credit risk. Note that households do not have limited...
Read More
Many places dear...many places. i'm not even sure where all i'm going yet
moi aussi

1) I wan one.
2) I'm sad we are no longer BBM friends.