The other day I saw an old truck with all sorts of bumper stickers plastered on the back of it. The one that stood out the most was this huge one that read: NObama! Another one read: "I'm Republican because everyone can't be on welfare" I know we live in a country where freedom of speech thrives and this is one of the many things that makes this country so great, but I couldn't believe the stupidity this guy was portraying. It's almost like a billboard for yourself reading: I am an idiot, I am feeble minded! My IQ is below 70! The Republican party has it all figured out. They don't give two shits about this guy! They only care about their extremely wealthy buddies. Corporate welfare is far worse than the welfare this bumpersticker refers to. The Republican's seem to have a certain breed of American following them. They prey on stupidity! Republicans come up with some catch phrase like: "War on Terror" or "Partial Birth Abortions" and they create a frenzy within the pack. Anyway, I was annoyed to see this on my way to lunch....such idiocracy!

I think I've seen that truck around hehehe
Well thank you...I like to think of myself as pretty sweet