Oi! my fucking head! Xmas party hangover is not fun right now. Decent party though. Free food lots of alcohol. Some crappy karaoke as they didn't have much of a modern selection at the bar we had our party at. I sang johnny cash's remake of hurt. played some pool got toodrunk to drive home so about 10 of us went over to the boss's house thats about a block away from the bar and busted out a little guitar hero. Ended up passing out about 5am got up at 10, stillfucking buzzed. Probably still am.
Still need to buy fucking xmas presents. Haven't managed to get enough money together for the majority of the gifts. After dropping about 100 on the new hockey session (team name: John Ritter is dead) I was kinda broke again.
Alright screw you guys its fucking nap time!
Still need to buy fucking xmas presents. Haven't managed to get enough money together for the majority of the gifts. After dropping about 100 on the new hockey session (team name: John Ritter is dead) I was kinda broke again.
Alright screw you guys its fucking nap time!

D&D is pretty fun. Do you tend to have a character you use frequently or an archtype you lean towards?
Legend of Dragoon was awesome. It's good to know someone else also played this very underrated game.