Woohoo! I'm a frickin rock legend! I finally managed to get through Pantera's Cowboys from Hell on the origional Guitar Hero. Only 77k points and 66% of notes hit.
This the day I get my PS2 back from Sony. (wow does that thing look brand spankin new)
Once again my car is in the shop. My timing belt broke, at least thats what I'm guessing it was, and thusly my car died. Once again I was at work while this happened. Not good thing to happen to a pizza delivery dude. Some nice lady picked me up off the side of the road as I was walking back to work. I really need to get a cell phone. Any recommendations?
No hat for this hockey session
Lost to the Hellfish as usual with their damn ringers. It was close during the first half then they pulled away. Next seesion starts the 15th, with a couple weeks off for the holidays I believe.
Can't think of anything else to add except: only 3 weeks this time!

Once again my car is in the shop. My timing belt broke, at least thats what I'm guessing it was, and thusly my car died. Once again I was at work while this happened. Not good thing to happen to a pizza delivery dude. Some nice lady picked me up off the side of the road as I was walking back to work. I really need to get a cell phone. Any recommendations?
No hat for this hockey session

Can't think of anything else to add except: only 3 weeks this time!

just really bored, hating xmas and cold.
england is sooo cold.
ive never played guitar hero but it looks fun.
i like sony erricson phones. theyre quite cool. id love an iphone but that will never happen.
you got any special plans for xmas?